Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Experiences and skills you gain through Air Cadet can contribute towards achieving
the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
For help getting this started, please contact OCdt Martin.
The Programme
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme was developed to encourage all youth ages
14 to 25 to be active, to participate in new activities and pursue their current
interests in four different areas.
The Programme offers you the opportunity to set goals and achieve results in a fun
and challenging way. The Programme is non competitive. You benefit through your
own effort and you will learn and grow from the experience.
Upon completion you will be recognized for your achievements with a Bronze, Silver
or Gold Award.
The Award was founded in 1956 by HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh K.G. K.T.
in London England. The Award which bears his name currently operates in over 120
countries around the world.
How long does it take to get an Award?
It takes at least 6 months for a direct entrant to achieve a Bronze Award; 12 months
for Silver and 18 months for Gold. Participants can work on various Sections of
their Award at the same time.
What does the Award consist of?
It is a four Section Programme with three progressive levels:
- Bronze (for those aged 14 and over)
- Silver (for those aged 15 and over) and
- Gold (for those aged 16 and over)
The Sections involve:
- Service (helping other people in the local community)
Adventurous Journey (training for, planning and completing a journey on foot, horseback,
canoe, cycle etc)
- Skills (covering almost any hobby, skill or interest)
- Physical Recreation (sport and fitness)
Residential Project (Gold Award only) (a purposeful enterprise with people not previously
known to the participant)